anti-feminism text claiming 'pro-equality'
2020s Feminism Politics Pop Culture Women's Issues

Why Are Some Women Anti-Feminist?

Trula Earthgarden 

There are many reasons why some women are anti-feminists. It’s can be culture, education or lack thereof, ignorance, or some combination of these. I think it is mostly fear.

Keep in mind even now in modern America, 3 women a day are killed by men. Usually by husbands or boyfriends. I think many anti-feminist aren’t women who are against feminism so much as they’re just trying to survive. The thought process likely goes: Nothing we’ve said or done has stopped the men from beating and killing us, so we should just try to do what they say to reduce the beating and killing. 

Besides that, another reason they’re against feminism is that they see, as anyone with eyes and who is willing to be honest about it, that a huge fallout or side-effect of feminism has caused women to have double jobs, to work 2 jobs, to be stressed even more. Now: women have to work both outside the home and inside the home. Now: women have to carry the financial strain of supporting a family same as men, while also raising children and doing most if not all of the housework. Nothing has changed much for men. All they have to do is keep a job, and if they occasionally change a diaper or cook a meal or take a kid to the doctor or volunteer once at their kids’ school they’re lauded super heroes. Women who are anti-feminists don’t think it’s fair that women have to work so hard and do so much, and then still have to worry about the beating and killing. 

Another likely most impactful reason is ignorance. Many, many, many anti-feminist women in the USA, particularly the young ones, are ignorant of just how recently women have attained many rights. I’ve talked to young women and told them how, when I was a child, my mother couldn’t even have her own credit card because my father wouldn’t allow it. When the law changed, this caused many arguments in our house. These young women often ask with great puzzlement, WHERE are you from? What country did you grow up in?? And are shocked, because I’m only 49, to learn I was born and raised right here in the USA. They’re also shocked to learn that marital rape used to be a common and culturally accepted thing, that in my childhood men used to openly write letters to the paper defending their right to ‘take’ their wives whenever they wanted. Many don’t even know what feminism means, they think it is some sort of movement to take away rights from men rather than a movement that specifically is about stopping the oppression of women and girls based on our sex. They also seem to think that caring about women’s rights somehow means you don’t care about men’s rights…which is interesting, because what rights have men lost by female equality? Other than the ‘right’ to oppress women, that is.

We’re so close to this stuff, but women just one generation younger than me don’t know how close we are and how tenuous our hold on any of our modern rights is. They really think American men just ‘gave’ us rights out of the kindness and benevolence of their hearts, and not because we had to fight for rights and continually fight to maintain them, even now. And they really think men don’t want to repeal or take away rights, so we can just stop all that feminist rah-rah now. Despite the fact that male politicians routinely enact legislation to reduce women’s rights, with very few other male politicians speaking up about it.

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Trula Earthgarden