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Women are Being Targeted for Protesting Male Violence

Trula Earthgarden 

This is fantastically mind-boggling to me. 3! Women! A day! are murdered by men in the USA, domestic violence shelters stay filled to capacity all around this country with women fleeing violent husbands or boyfriends. It is INSANE to say or believe that talking about this and trying to change this means you hate trans people and/or are causing violence towards them. Women are targeted BECAUSE of our sex, so we must acknowledge biological reality because it’s our biology that most men hate so much…sexism is not because we ‘identify’ as female, it’s because we ARE female and men as a class, as a group, all over the world, overwhelmingly cannot deal with this fact or control themselves or handle their emotions regarding their profound womb envy or whatever their problem with women is. Pretending otherwise does not change this, nor does it help or change anything for trans people.

“What’s less amusing is being told that I am dangerous. There is an insidious idea that any feminist who queries or critiques a queer perspective on gender is some sort of menace to society. Women who have devoted their adult lives to ending male violence against women are now described, without a trace of irony, as being violent. On a political level, it’s disturbing that disagreement over the nature of gender is positioned as violence within feminist discourse. There is an undeniably Orwellian quality to those opposing violence being described as violent, a double-speak perfected by queer politics. Framing gender-critical feminists as violent erases the reality that men perpetrate the overwhelming majority of violence against trans people and, in doing so, removes any possibility for men to be held accountable for that violence. Men are not blamed for their deeds, no matter how much harm they cause, whereas women are often brutally targeted for our ideas – in this respect, queer discourse mirrors the standards set by patriarchy.”

Sister Outsider

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