Thanksgiving Gratitude
I woke up this morning in absolute tears and pain, both physical and emotional. I had a dream about my brother John and he told me this story that was so funny, and I couldn’t stop laughing. I could feel myself waking up and I said ‘I hope I remember this when I wake up’ and he said ‘No worries Trula I’ll tell you later, oh that’s right I can’t I’m DEAD’ and *snap* disappeared. I woke up right after, and my heart felt gripped like a fist. My cardiologist told me when it gets like this to go to the hospital. I hate hospitals, I always think I won’t come out, that I’ll die there. Especially since John died in May. He died just a few days after my cardiac event this past May. My health was improving so much, but here it is almost December and I’m still so sick. My daughter is sick. I’m not ready for the exams to get my alternative teaching license and I’ve already rescheduled as much as I can. But I am still grateful for all that I have.
What I am thankful for includes:
My children! Iyende, Scott, Todd. I love them all so much. I admire them greatly, each in different ways. Even though they are adults, I am still Trula mama first and foremost. I would do anything for them, they are tremendous people.
My husband! Brian is my rock, this past year has been extremely hard on him too. I didn’t realize how upset and worried he was for me until we found out I did not have to have surgery on my heart; the relief on his face was palpable. Plus, he’s ok with my plan to stuff the house with plants this winter. The Rain Foresting here has commenced!
My extended family! We didn’t get to see my people on Thanksgiving due to certain circumstances outside of my control, nor today because I was so sick, but I know I have their support. We did get to see Brian’s parents and my mother-in-law made a great meal. It was nice seeing them and having their care and concern. I made pumpkin pie from scratch and was nervous to take it over, but everyone said it came out good! I also took the last of the turnip greens from my garden.
I’m also so thankful for all my loving and kind friends. Their support means so much to me, you just don’t know. It’s very affirming and helps me so much to know that I have friends that genuinely care about me.
My students and co-workers! Every time I get frustrated with the kids they surprise me and inspire me. They sometimes say I am too mean LOL, but they like learning new and interesting things despite themselves. I also learn a tremendous amount from other teachers, especially regarding classroom management and curriculum. I’ve subbed for years but transitioning to full-time, real teaching has shown me the hundreds of things I didn’t know about what makes a great, professional teacher.