Perimenopause – Flash & Burn Indeed
Pretty interesting article on perimenopause from Washington Post:
It is absolutely a horrible time. The whole entirety of a woman’s life is GRUELING, the only time we have free of our biology is childhood pre-periods. After menstruation begins it’s a wrap. And to add insult to injury we now live in a time where MEN will look you dead in the face and tell you biology has nothing to do with being a woman!!! 40 YEARS of menstruation and then who the heck knows how long in perimenopause, which is basically the symptoms of menopause plus also STILL having periods! I’m 52 and no end in sight. And then, even after you finally are in menopause, your reproductive plumbing can and will still act the fool, so you will need gynecological check-ups and care until the end of your days. You can be 92 and still having female problems. Why is anybody pretending biology has naught to do with womanhood? Where do people get the audacity?
Not only do many men and suck-up male-pleasing women want to deny this has anything to do with being female, with being a woman, they then turn around and use our biology as a reason to oppress us in the first place. And to continue the oppression. It is a really wild, strange, Orwellian time to be alive.