If It Isn’t Womb-Envy, What Is It?
If it isn’t womb-envy, WHAT is it?? Someone explain to me why do men hate women so much? What is men’s seemingly universal problem with women? Specific to the USA, why is it still, in 2021, women (of any race) are not covered by the 14th amendment? Why are American men ok with this, if most men don’t hate women and really think we should have the same rights as you, then why won’t you pass the ERA? And so on and so forth.
“Universally, it is clear that one explanation for some of men’s destructive behaviour towards women (including men’s desire to BE women) is envy of our ability to give birth – to reproduce so as to keep our species going! Now, that IS power. That Freud had defined the entire female psyche in terms of a male deficit enraged Karen Horney. The notion that the psychology of women actually represented the desires and disappointments of men. Horney suggests that if some women display neuroses, it’s not because of innate biological differences but in response to a patriarchal culture that deifies men and relegates women to mere breeders. Her theory: womb envy. It isn’t so much that women covet men’s power, but that men harbour feelings of inferiority at their inability to nurture and produce human life.”