Flashback Friday: Brian & Trula as Kids
I was born January 1972 and my husband Brian was born October 1974, so I am nearly 3 years older than him. I also skipped a grade in elmentary school and Brian has a late birthday, so in school we were 4 years apart. I graduated high school in 1989, he did in 1993. If we had known each other then we likely would not have been on each other’s radar at all. Although I am older, Brian has always seemed older than me and more mature in many ways, and he definitely took the lead in our relationship early on. Most people think he is older than me too, though that is probably due to my youthful looks LOL. Anyway, when I think of us as children, I always think of myself as a little kid but Brian as a big kid, like a tween, like in these photos. In reality, when I was actually 4 I was in preschool and Brian was a toddler still in diapers. Ha!