Category: Business

Jen Angel, the founder of Oakland bakery Angel Cakes, inside her bakery in March 2016. Credit: Melati Citrawireja

Rest in Peace Jen Angel

Jen Angel has passed away. This is devastating to me. She was well known in the Oakland area as owner of Angel Cakes Bakery, but I knew her from zine stuff here in Ohio. I did not know her well but met her a few times years ago when the Allied Media Conference was still […]


How Did This Get Published? Business Insider Journalist Lied

This is pretty crazy, but a good example of how the so-called ‘liberal media’ sometimes eats its own: “Other women and I then also had to fight to successfully STOP the story from spreading to other news outlets. We were able to successfully do this because once credible journalists looked into it, per our request, […]